What Causes Allergies and How Can They Be Prevented?

28 Jun 2022

Allergies are essentially a protective mechanism of the body to remove harmful influences, as well as to begin the healing process and repair tissue. The pollen season is upon us and many people suffer from seasonal allergies because of it. We invited Dr. Maria Loboshka, a specialist in allergology and pulmonology from “St. Sofia” hospital, to tell us a little bit more about why allergies appear and how can one prevent them.

There are various types of allergies and their occurrence can be triggered at any stage of life. Dr. Loboshka pointed out the main symptoms, which may vary according to the different allergies. They are as follows:

• anaphylactic reaction

• allergic rhinitis

• urticaria

• swelling

• dermatitis

• conjunctivitis

• laryngitis

• reaction of the gastrointestinal system

• reaction of the cardiovascular system

What Are The Most Common Allergens?

Allergens (causative agents of allergic reactions) could be part of the external environment, as well as the particles that are involved in the autoimmune processes. Among the most common allergens, Dr. Loboshka pointed out the following:

• from everyday life (household dust, cockroaches, allergens from domestic animals)

• molds and fungus

• food (such as milk, meat, eggs, fruit, vegetables, spices)

• insect stings, such as bees, wasps, etc.

• chemicals, medicines, antibiotics

• industrial allergens (such as dust, gases, aerosols)

Dr. Loboshka examined in detail the types of allergens by paying special attention to the current pollen allergens that include the pollen of various grasses, trees, weeds, and flowers.

How Is An Allergy Diagnosed?

To diagnose the allergy, the patient’s anamnesis has to be taken at first. Then, doctors need to take a look into the patient’s past diseases, family health history, and the conditions under which the person works and lives. All of this has to be studied, so that possible allergens can be detected, both from the external environment and aeroallergens. Laboratory tests are also performed separately to detect the specific allergen.

In case of allergy complaints, it is a good practice for the patient to consult with an allergologist to diagnose the cause of the allergic reaction and to take measures to alleviate the patient’s condition. To facilitate the diagnosis process, the patient usually has a list of observations of what provokes the unpleasant reaction of their body, which proves why the communication between doctor and patient is crucial.

What’s The Solution To This Problem?

Did you know that the home environment can be filled with various allergens caused by micro-ticks in the house dust? They can be found in stuffed animals, carpets, mattresses, sofas, bed linen, and more. Humidity and temperatures between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius, create the ideal living conditions for the reproduction of these organisms.

Dr. Loboshka advised regular ventilation of the rooms one inhabits. Moreover, it’s a good practice to take the listed items above outside, as micro-ticks do not tolerate sunlight. In addition to the use of proper detergents that exterminate the problem, frequent washing at high temperatures is also recommended as an effective preventive measure.

How Can Digital Devices Help?

The symptoms of an allergy could be extremely varied and long-lasting, which makes them difficult to track. With the Medrec:M mobile app, everyone can keep detailed notes of their symptoms, store test results, and share them remotely with their doctor. Try out the app for yourself and find out more.
