Diabetes:M offers all Premium features for FREE during the COVID-19 pandemic

28 Mar 2020

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping across the world, the team of Sirma Medical Systems decided to unlock all Premium features of Diabetes:M for free during this time of crisis.

We created a dedicated page (see below), that will help people activate our special STAYHOME code, to unlock all Premium features free of charge until at least June 16th 2020. There are no geographic or other limitations – COVID-19 is affecting everyone, regardless of nationality race, age, or condition.

“Our first and foremost goal is to help people with all types of diabetes stay healthy and live as normal a life as possible, with our condition. In this critical time, when millions have to stay isolated or under quarantine, diabetics face a particularly difficult situation. Fortunately, we have the technology to overcome these hardships.

With our remote monitoring system, people can stay safely at home, and doctors can keep track of all their diabetic patients online. Our other premium features like Pattern Analysis and Homemade Recipe Analyzer will help keep people on track.

We are a small company, but I believe our tools can help keep people safe”, said Rossen Varbanov, CEO of Sirma Medical Systems, T1D since 1996.

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